Left anti-semites , Marxist Minstrels, and Enver Hoxha, Oh My!

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Sun Nov 21 13:02:15 PST 1999

So I don't approach the limit for daily posting, I'll consolidate some thoughts on todays posts. Doug, if I get the itch to click that mouse too many times, I promise to go to the main, downtown S.F. library and read the Lyn Marcus a/k/a Lyndon LaRouche tome,"Dialectical Economics," as penance. Published back in '73 or so, the annotated bibliography, draws out Lyndon's thoughts on Spinoza, if memory serves. And that was years before Deleuze or Negri had their Spinoza books translated here, hmm!)

Yoshie accused of pro-Enver Hoxha tendenencies by Angela! I missed that one, but an excellent read on Albanian and other Stalinism(s) is the Penguin collection edited by Tariq Ali entitled ,"The Stalinist Legacy." Piece by Albanian exile Arshii Piipa in this, he also had a piece in Telos back in the 80's. Try to find the Penguin paperback as the hardback reprint I've seen published by Lynne Rienner out of Boulder, Co. is pricey. Also didn't the son of Swedish socialdemocrats, Gunnar and Alva Myrdal, Jan publish a MR Press book on Albania? I could be off on this though.

Chip cites a book by David A. Noebel. (Is Noebel connected to Cold War fundamentalist, Billy James Hargis? Chip would know.) Noebel also has a screamer of a book entitled , "Marxist Minstrels," which attempts to link Dylan, Baez, and Phil Ochs to that Moscow Gold. All left to various degrees, though the born-again Dylan who told Rolling Stone's, Jonathan Cott that, "Politics is an instrument of the devil!" drew some ire from Louis Menashe and others in the pages of In These Times back when A Slow Train Is A Coming was released.

Lastly, I'd recommend apropos the anti-semitism thread a new book by Alain Finkelkraut, "The Future Of A Negation: Reflections On The Question Of Genocide," Univ. of Nebraska Press. It is mainly on the French La Vielle Taupe circle and Italian Bordigist "Internationalist Communist Left "ultra-leftists who support Holocaust "Revisionism" out of a noxious version of "anti-fascist" anti-capitalism. Don't tell Noam Chomsky, though, there is an actionable footnote or two re:the Faurrison affair!

A URL for the Amadeo Bordiga followers of the Int'l. Communist Left is http://www.ibrp.org/ Got the URL from the links page at aut-op-sy http://lists.village.virginia.edu/~spoons/aut_html/#links

From which you can find an Aufbehen piece on Negri's Class analysis, so it looks like Toni Negri came up twice on my bibliomanic post for the day.

Michael Pugliese

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