debating libertarians

Carl Remick carlremick at
Wed Oct 6 12:09:36 PDT 1999

>it seems unlikely that the kinds
>of economic policies that were implemented under Pinochet
>would ever have been adopted in their expreme ruthlessness
>except under a dictatorial regime like Pinochet's which after
>all had gained power by the violent overthrow of the elected
>president, Salvadore Allendee, a self-described Marxist.

[Which reminds me, even the NY Times is now calling for the CIA to “come clean” on its skulduggery in Chile. The following is an editorial in today’s edition.]

Exposing America's Role in Chile

The arrest of Gen. Augusto Pinochet of Chile last year in London sparked the Clinton Administration to examine America's own role in Mr. Pinochet's 1973 coup and subsequent reign of terror. In February the Administration began to search its files, and relevant materials are being declassified in three installments. Several agencies, notably the State Department, are releasing valuable information. But the Central Intelligence Agency, while disclosing material on human rights abuses in Chile, has balked at declassifying files about Washington's involvement in them. With the second installment of documents due out soon, the C.I.A. needs to understand that full disclosure of Washington's role is in America's interest.

The C.I.A.'s reluctance to reveal American activities is particularly absurd because the coup took place long ago, and so much is already known about these events. Because of two 1975 Senate reports, Justice Department investigations and C.I.A. reviews, the world is aware that Washington ran covert operations in Chile. These operations tried to prevent the inauguration of Salvador Allende, a Socialist, as president in 1970. They then sought to undermine his administration and encouraged -- at the very least -- the coup that toppled him. The C.I.A. then maintained close ties to Mr. Pinochet's repressive security forces.

Yet the C.I.A. is hiding key documents. The material it declassified in June covered Mr. Pinochet's use of torture and forced disappearances. But it had virtually nothing on known American ties to those abuses. Nor is there likely to be information on American covert operations in the documents due out this month on the pre-coup period.

Under pressure from other agencies, the C.I.A. recently agreed to release some materials on American covert actions next year. But it is still attempting to narrow its search, thus keeping embarrassing material secret.

The C.I.A. can protect its sources and methods by blacking over specific material. This concern is not a reason to hold back documents. The Clinton Administration has rightly pressed other nations to come clean about shameful events in their past. It should not fail to come clean itself.



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