Freedom to hate !

Emilio Costa Manso sadox at
Sun Oct 24 10:09:10 PDT 1999


The key word of the American democracy base propaganda is the expression __FREEDOM__ , that's to say, the right of everyone to life and search of the happiness ___ and this is the eternal model which the Americans always wants to impose to the rest of the world, but what we can see , day by day, is those fundamental rights are being challenged inside USA territory.

In the blacksmith's house there's a wood hammer !

GIULIANI, the New York's mayor, tried a time ago to prohibit the manifestation of the blacks of Harlem, under the leadership of anti-Semitic __LOUIZ FARRAKAN__, alleging to be a racist/radical march.

Everybody knows that the march was authorized by judicial order and it had more midia and newspapers success than in the streets, considering participants numbers, but, by all means, the expression of freedom wins once again.

Now the Ku Klux Klan wants to organize a protest march in the Great Apple (NYC) and again Mayor Giuliani prohibited it alleging that manifestations with masked participants are illegal.

For more racists, hateful and enemies of the freedom, the white supremacist is being defended in the tribunals by the American Union of the Civil Rights with many black lawyers in the taks !.

Irony of the destiny? I presume !

I wonder soon we'll see neo-nazist groups , as so many others that hate and conspire secretly, walking in New York City streets, stoned by the New York Jews, though defended in the city courts and tribunals by Jewish ( and blacks ) lawyers .

In the decade of the " politicaly correction " , the KKK can be one of the last taboos, although they can be the first step to acclaim the __AMERICAN FREEDOM OF HATING__ and doesn't exist better stage except the city that never sleeps...


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