Women Surpass Men Online

Chris Burford cburford at gn.apc.org
Wed Aug 9 23:32:00 PDT 2000

Important development. Presumably like the telephone this has now become user-friendly enough to be an aid to communication. The internet as a realm for male techno-freaks is less the picture.

Email lists where issues of power and influence are contested, may remain dominated by men, because of social condition of this role. I suggest.

Chris Burford


At 23:43 09/08/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Wednesday August 9 5:57 PM ET
>Survey: Women Surpass Men Online
>NEW YORK (AP) - Women are now in the majority online.
>In May, 50.4 percent of U.S. Internet users were women, Media Metrix said
>Wednesday. That's still below the percentage of women in the overall U.S.
>population, which according to Census figures is 51.1 percent.
>The study was based on Media Metrix measurements of more than 55,000 home
>and business users.
>Among other findings:
>-Teen-age girls represent the fastest-growing age group. There were more
>than 4.4 million girls ages 12-17 online in May, a 126 percent increase from
>about 2 million a year earlier.
>-The number of women ages 18-24 online decreased 4.5 percent, possibly
>indicating more interest in college and early career development,
>researchers said.
>-The number of female Internet users ages 55 and over grew by 110 percent,
>though they represent only 4.4 percent of the overall online population.
>-Across all age groups, America Online, Microsoft and Yahoo! sites were most
>popular among women. Those were also the sites most frequented by men.

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