imprisonment of Egon Krenz

Johannes Schneider Johannes.Schneider at
Tue Jan 18 01:45:11 PST 2000

Chris asked:
> What left wing statement on the imprisonment of Egon Krenz would have been
> meaningful?
> I do not mean an abstractly correct marxist theoretical analysis.
Chris, I dont think there can be anything like an 'abstractly correct marxist theoretical analysis'. Either an marxist analysis is concrete or its not marxist, but you actually mean empty propagandistic phrases? Oder?
> I mean in
> the context of a party standing for elections in the bourgeois parliament.
Do you want to say any party that is standing elections for a bourgeois parliament has to be reformist by definition?
> I thought the PDS pitched it pretty usefully. Perhaps you know of a
> position statement?
At the moment no one cares so much about Egon Krenz, since we got the Democrazia Christiana Tedesca. German TV is much fun at the moment, all channels spell CDU like Mafia. Johannes

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