Polo wars [the horse and rider are down now, beaten badly]

Ken Hanly khanly at mb.sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 30 17:50:40 PST 2000

So what is your point. Points 1 to 3 are common to some non-pomos as well as pomos? Is this supposed to show that pomos do not share those characteristics as Justin claims?

Cheers, Ken Hanly

Lisa & Ian Murray wrote:

> Justin,
> I think we haggled a bit over these before you joined us. See below
> Ian
> >>What the pomos share, like these other tendencies,
> is common preoccupations and themes. In the pomo case, these include:
> 1) antifoundationalism, the idea that all knowledge is theoretiucal and none
> is basic or given; it all depends on your subject position;
> 2) antirealism, that there is no extralinguistic reality apart from the way
> we talk about it;
> 3) antiessentialism, the idea that all natures are wholoy constructed, there
> are no real property that all members of a group objectivelly share apart
> from the way theya re conceived; the denial of objective interests
> ====
> A)antifoundationalism is older than pomo.
> B)antirealism is simply agnostic/extremely skeptical about what if any
> "type[s]" of structures exist apart from the way we dislose them to
> ourselves and each other via language and machines/tools. Is space-time
> particles or waves or both when we're not investigating microworlds? Is the
> air transparent to a fly?
> C)antiessentialism is simply a close cousin to B. Identity[ies] can be
> shattered/reconfigured--learned...
> All is flux...form from flux form to flux.
> Ian

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