poetry on a computer

JC Helary helary at eskimo.com
Sun May 7 14:32:08 PDT 2000

> <
> [snip]
> Do you write poetry on a computer ?
> >
> Well, people do. As for me, no. As for wojtek, dunno.

<big snip>

Thank you for your reply. I read somewhere, a while ago that (was it Jacques Prevert that originaly created it ?) some method for creating 'automated poetic text' had been put on the web through scripts but had to be removed later when the people in charge of the copyright discovered it...

Altough I noticed I write much more thanks to the computer (compared to pen&paper) I always find myself in places where I just can't have a keyboard when I feel like putting a few verses on 'paper' so it always is either a napkin, a small notebook or similar things that I use. But well, I never pretended I was a poet anyway :-)

JC Helary

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