Love Bug Hacker as Hero

Michael Pollak mpollak at
Sat May 13 11:54:49 PDT 2000

While we're in the anti-microsoft groove, here's a good diatribe from this week's issue of the Britnerd zine Need To Know:

A hushed public awaits: and, in the pages of Time magazine,

Bill Gates puts THE CASE FOR MICROSOFT. But years of

conviction play with a man's recollection. Every every one

of Bill's arguments points to the company's guiltiest

moments. With a split Microsoft, he begins, a future MS

"tablet PC" with handwriting recognition would not exist,

because Microsoft's OS and App developers need "real-time

collaboration" to pull it off. But MS had designs on a

"tablet PC" before: when they wrote Pen Windows, a

piece of FUDware designed to kill Jerry Kaplan's GO.

Back then, Microsoft bristled at any suggestion that their

OS and App departments colluded. Now the party line is that

it's vital for the consumer. In 1991, Gates goes on to

explain, MS Office developers invented the toolbar. "Had

toolbars been created elsewhere, they no doubt would have

been patented and never incorporated into Windows [as the

taskbar]". How very true: except toolbars *were* invented

elsewhere. In MacPaint. In 1984. At that point, Gates

entered into a secret agreement with Apple to use

Mac-ish features in the Windows OS, in return for developing

apps for the Mac (no monopoly here: yet). Moving to modern

day concerns: Bill says that the DOJ scheme would slow down

innovation, impeding "Windows updates that could protect

against attacks like the Love Bug virus". As opposed to now,

when Microsoft denies liability for the jelly-weak security

of Outlook? Gates end with his own horrific vision,

post-Microsplit: Apps and OS mini-Bills that could never

work together, because the DOJ demands that "no technical

information can be discussed that is not 'simultaneously

available' to the entire computer industry - which would be

a practical impossibility". An impossibility, of course,

which open source projects - and hell, most of the rest of

the industry - manage every day. Except, that is, when

Microsoft sues for publishing MS's proprietary extensions to

their work. And this is the case *for*?,3266,44557-2,00.html

- well, that is where my theory just falls to the ground

- cute pictures of old Mac apps to take bad taste away

- this isn't helping, is it

- the smoking gun! (see centre right)

__________________________________________________________________________ Michael Pollak................New York City..............mpollak at

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