Voter Fraud, Warren Christopher etc.

kelley kwalker2 at
Fri Nov 10 06:58:30 PST 2000

At 03:35 AM 11/10/00 +0000, you wrote:

>A monumentally stupis piece of reasoning. 90 some percent of Blacks who
>vote are Dems. Most black,a higher propertion than the general
>population, don't vote. My guess is that most who do are dreadfully
>respectable chuechgoers who are appalled by all sorts of hooliganism.
>Anyway, having survived 10 years of sports riots at Ohio State in
>Columbus, where there are no Democrats, I am pretty sure that I have seen
>a good many Republican sports rioters. --jks

yeah, read eli anderson's stuff on this, very good work. he points out that it is a *small* proportion of folks who engage in the kind of behavior that chris thinks he sees. you'll have to take a look at other nations chris and ask yourself about violence in italy and the u.k etc.


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