Euro-court outlaws criticism of EU

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at
Mon Apr 9 03:54:20 PDT 2001

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, [iso-8859-1] Daniel Davies wrote:

> The answer is that, it hasn't. Connolly's actual case was an
> employment one, relating to the fact that he was sacked from
> his job as a senior economist working for the Commission for
> publishing a book called "The Rotten Heart of Europe" which
> called his employer a bunch of corrupt bastards. I think that

Oho -- *that* Connolly. Yep, that was one truly crappy book, even by the admittedly low standards of publications claiming to deal with the European Union. I've concluded the only thing worse than the Anglo-Saxon media coverage of the EU is its coverage of Japan. Ironic, that Anglo-American rentiers who constantly preen themselves on being the Masters of the Universe should display such *hatred* towards their class superiors. Given the state of the US current account deficit, you'd think they would want to avoid pissing off Duisenberg & Co. for as long as possible. Geopolitical stupidity goeth before a currency fall...

-- Dennis

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