Max Sawicky sawicky at
Tue Apr 24 21:04:07 PDT 2001

I've mellowed in old age. I don't doubt it. I've only known one (that I know about), and he is not a jerk. I was talking only about the DoR. The other W-men achievements are another matter.


Max Sawicky wrote:
> The best example of what
> you're fantasizing about was the Days of Rage/Weatherpeople
> thang in Chicago, and that probably hurt more than helped.

This is too kind to the Weathermen. A number of groups share responsibility for the coming apart of SDS, but the Weathermen were probably the most destructive. They contributed _nothing_ to the anti-war movement. A bunch of self-indulgent jerks. They fucked over a bunch of high school students just a week before some of us happened to leaflet at that school -- and damn near got ourselves killed. I've never seen so many angry people materialize out of thin air so rapidly as happened the minute we identified ourselves as SDS.


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