Russian communists

Chris Doss chrisd at
Sun Dec 2 05:05:56 PST 2001

The KPRF used to support Putin a lot more than it does today. They are for his nationalist rhetoric but against his liberal economic policy. They were pretty vigorously against teh new Land Code (allows buying and selling of land) and the new Labor Code which it looks is going to be passed (it's hard not to get something the Kremlin backs passed now that the Duma has virtually been turned into a bill-ratifying organisation).

The KPRF is a big organisation with a lot of different people in it, including Stalinists, Social Democrats, pro small-business and medium-business lobbyists, red-browns, pan-Slavists, lobbyists for the agriculture industry, populists all mish-mashed together in various ways. It's an umbrella organisation you can't really pigeonhole. It doesn't have an ideology beyond being anti-oligarch, pro-Russia and pro-revering the memory of the USSR. It's new speaker is a capitalist, actually, who joined because he wants to protect Russian business from foreign competition.

They can be kind of obnoxious but are hardly dangerous. Their program used to be on the web in English but it seems they have taken it down.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal


- -What is KPRF?s stance towards Putin?s government? Is it true that the KPRF now - -is more a nationalist (with some fascist tendencies) party instead of a socialist - -one???

Alexandre Fenelon

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