Islamism is a fascism? (was "Herman responds")

Grant Lee grantlee at
Thu Dec 6 03:01:23 PST 2001

We can include (many) Spanish Falangists and (Ariel Sharon's buddies) the Lebanese Phalangists here too, not to mention Father Charles Coughlin, among others. Catholic fascism is a good comparison to some varieties of Islamism, for several reasons; i.e. my main point was that religious fascists are their own worst enemy, if their religious powerbase is, by its very nature, hostile to finance capital.

I doubt whether many of the Catholic fascists, including Franco, would have been in any way significant without the assistance of Hitler and/or Mussolini (who was never much of a Catholic).

>All true, but clerical fascism was neither Italian fascism nor German
>fascism. It appeared in Lithuania (Grey Wolves), Croatia (Ustashi), Hungary
>(Arrow Cross--at the very end after toppling the Horthy regime) and in a
>weird way in Romania (Iron Guard).

wasn't there some catholic fascist group in an Austrian state/province? anyone know what it is I'm trying to recollect from the depths of my memory?

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