Murray on prole models

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Mon Feb 12 14:08:06 PST 2001

Carrol B Cox wrote:

>But doug's intro was only a bit less silly than
>the column: "It wouldn't surprise me if a few leftists
>agreed with some of this." Substitute ANY agent noun for
>"leftists" & ANY belief for "this" and the proposition
>remains true.

Did you break your wrist mounting a high horse?

Let me expand on my point, just for the hell of it. Murray is a notorious cultural reactionary, so his views about "coarseness" and "vulgarity" might be dismissed as the ravings characteristic of the breed. Many so-called leftists, however - and not just Adorno - hold not dissimilar views, as subsequent posts have revealed. When the widely disparaged Judith B. criticized neoconservative Marxists, she was roundly denounced. But hardly a day passes without her point being confirmed.

Before they shut it down, why not Napster a ditty called "Frank Sinatra" by Miss Kittin and The Hacker. Vulgarity can be so beautiful!


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