Fwd: Re: Katha Pollitt on Andrew Sullivan

Michael McIntyre mmcintyr at wppost.depaul.edu
Fri Jun 1 07:53:28 PDT 2001

Sullivan is a pig because of his political views, not because of his "ravenous glutes." And if hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue, then Sullivan is the inverse of a hypocrite. I'm glad his pinched, tory "virtue" doesn't go all the way down. I hope he finds hordes of HIV+ men with whom to bareback, until he decides that his flimsy pretense of virtue is no longer worth the candle.

BTW, I enjoyed the gossip and confess to the venial sin of Schadenfreude. But gossip isn't fun anymore once you have to find good "moral" justifications for it.

Michael McIntyre

>>> CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us 06/01/01 09:31AM >>>

>>> dhenwood at panix.com 06/01/01 10:08AM >>>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 19:33:19 -0700 From: Katha Pollitt <kpollitt at thenation.com>


andrew's hypocrisy makes his anti-choice views particularly self-serving and lacking in empathy. Gay men, it would seem, get to have multiple partners, anonymous partners, in whatever numbers or combinations they like, with no strings or inconvenience attached (like having to go out on two whole dates with someone who might reject you! Oh no!). Having spent a lifetime attacking it, Andrew now defends his right to live in the world of no consequences sex. fine--I'm not quarrelling with his sexual choices. But he would not let women have that kind of a no-=strings, no-consequences sex life: the Cath church he supports denies them contraception and emergency contraception, and even sterilization;he himself would make abortion a crime, with all that implies in the legal policing of female sexuality. So men, at least gay men, get to do whatever the heck they want, and women, at least women who have sex with men, must tread the narrow path or be punished with pregnancy and childbirth. Boys have all the fun--and for andrew, that's as it should be.



CB: I kinda agree with Katha.

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