How to get rid of those forwarding carrots>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Tue Jun 12 11:57:21 PDT 2001

Michael Pugliese wrote:

>eCleaner v2.01 is a freeware application that helps you clean the ">" marks
>that accumulate after an e-mail message has been forwarded many times. It
>should work for any version of Windows (95/98/Me/NT/2000). I don't have the
>time to do a Mac version right now, but there's another program for the Mac
>I've been told of called SpellTools which does the same thing (plus spell

For Macs, there are two excellent programs to clean up text - UngarbleIt <>, which changes tabs to spaces, removes high ASCII characters, straightens curly quotes, removes spurious hard returns, brackets internet strings, and several other useful things; and TextSpresso <>, which has scores of built-in filters (and allows you to add many more) to reformat text (e.g., get rid of those annoying =20s and %s that often measle texts).

This is offered out of self-interest, not the spirit of commercial promotion.


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