BK on Identity

Charles Brown CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us
Fri Mar 9 08:40:22 PST 2001

>>> furuhashi.1 at osu.edu 03/06/01 04:21AM

-clip-Further, _white workers who work in the same occupational categories, industries, etc. as black workers in the same region_ face downward wage pressures from black unemployment.


CB: This is one of the fundamental dynamics of the capitalist economics of racism, which causes white workers, on balance, to lose rather than gain economically by racism against Brown, Black , Yellow and Red workers. Segregating Black workers creates a ready pool of job competitors for white workers generally undermining their bargaining positon against the bosses.

On another aspect, the assault on "welfare" initiated by Reaganites based on pandering to racist stereotypes of "welfare" queens resulted ( with Clintonite abolition ) in a greater impact on white workers in that more white working class people were/are on welfare than Black workers. Racism was used against white workers in this typical trick move.


Which is in the real interest of white workers -- a generous & universal unemployment insurance which decreases the "cost of job loss" or white supremacy to create a thin cushion that does not prevent the lowering of all earnings?


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