Hitchens on Kerrey

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Fri May 4 11:43:03 PDT 2001

Christopher Hitchens on Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes, April 30:

> COLMES: What's your view on Bob Kerrey?
> HITCHENS: Of Bob Kerrey? Well, he's my president, in fact,
> since I teach at the New School, and I think he wouldn't --
> he wouldn't have made that bad a president. I know him
> slightly. I like him very much. I -- I think he probably
> would have done well to decide whether he was going to all
> three things, and there's a little confusion.
> But look, none of the people he killed were raped. None of
> them were dismembered. None of them were tortured. None of
> them were mutilated, had their ears cut off. He never
> referred to them as gooks or slopes or afterwards. So it --
> con -- for one day's work in a free-fire zone in the Mekong....

Can anyone parse this? Is this some sort of irony?


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