"Hit List" Hits IAC/WWP

Chuck Munson chuck at tao.ca
Mon Nov 12 12:12:54 PST 2001

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> In my view, each political tradition on the Left (including the
> anarcho-punks & the WW/IAC/ANSWER) has its strengths & weaknesses,
> and I think it would be a good idea to take strong points & capable
> organizers from all & combine them, creating a new political movement
> that leaves behind sectarian squabbles of the past & present. That
> way our future (if we have any) lies.

That's what some of us have been trying to do, despite the IAC's hamfisted attempts to take it over. I think that these struggles against Left vanguards are pretty important in terms of building a larger convergence of vibrant and diverse movements. These groups have this attitude that they are above criticism and will always fall back on dissing their critics as "sectarians" or "police agents" or as disrupters who threaten unity. As far as they are concerned, there is *no* room for disagreement or internal debate within any social movement. The rank-and-file must follow the lead of the party's leaders. Yeah, right.

Time and time again I've run into this whenever I've opened my big mouth and called these groups on their shit.

We have a future, but petty vanguardists like the IAC and WWP aren't in it.

I guess the ashbin of Left history is getting a bit crowded these days. ;-)


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