Doh: Survey shows Americans want less rights, more war, less peacekeeping

Hakki Alacakaptan nucleus at
Thu Nov 29 04:55:45 PST 2001

If the US bombs Iraq - more than it's doing right now, that is - it'll show the world that Bush may be an illegitimate prez but by golly he's a populist prez. US populism as a political equation transforming opinion polls into air-dropped high explosives: A uniquely American contribution to world history. Who cares if Iran takes control of Iraq after Saddam goes? It'll just give the US one more country to bomb.

Hakki --------------------------

Most Americans Back U.S. Tactics Poll Finds Little Worry Over Rights By Richard Morin and Claudia Deane Washington Post Staff Writers Thursday, November 29, 2001; Page A01 (...) Six in 10 agree with President Bush that suspected terrorists should be tried in special military tribunals and not in U.S. criminal courts -- a proposal that has come under increasing fire from civil libertarians as well as some influential Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill. Seven in 10 Americans believe the government is doing enough to protect the civil rights of suspected terrorists. An equally large majority believe the government is sufficiently guarding the rights of Arab Americans and American Muslims as well as noncitizens from Arab and Muslim countries. (...) The survey also suggests that Americans would support broadening the shooting war on terrorism to include Iraq. Nearly eight in 10 -- 78 percent -- favored U.S. forces taking military action against Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein. The survey also suggests that although the majority of Americans say the nation should play a significant role in ensuring stability in Afghanistan, they are less interested in the United States taking the lead in nonmilitary efforts. One in three said America should take the lead in providing humanitarian aid or peacekeeping troops, with four in 10 supporting "a large role" in these efforts. One in five said America should play the principal part in establishing a new Afghan government. (...)

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