The anti imperialism of fools?

Carl Remick carlremick at
Thu Oct 4 15:02:35 PDT 2001

>From: Doug Henwood <dhenwood at>
>Carl Remick wrote:
>Alexandre Fenelon wrote:
>Hmm. There's a lot in there I like.
>Hmm, indeed. Good spelling, correct grammar ... anything else?
>Well, this sort of thing: ...
>>To present "the US" as some predatory imperialist monolith, as Raven
>>and others do, can only confuse and disorient. It not only serves as
>>a barrier to genuine internationalism, it overlooks the
>>contradictory character of American history and society. What does
>>it mean to "dislike the US"? What sort of social element speaks like
>>this? The United States is a complex entity, with a complex history,
>>elements of which are distinctly ignoble, elements of which are
>>deeply noble.

The technical term for the US's "complex history" is hypocrisy. Sharp-eyed observers from Dickens and Tocqueville on have recognized that Americans' default setting is a state of robust self-congratulation that is utterly at odds with their failure to follow through on professed principles. To risk appearing a New England provincial here, I will say that one admirable thing about the Puritan influence -- apart from prudery, Blue Laws and indifferent regional cooking -- is a commitment to self-criticism and improvement. However, that trait has been nearly extinguished from the national character, leaving a society of complacent, solipsistic whiners subject to endless, serial losses of "innocence."


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