different wars

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue Oct 23 09:31:54 PDT 2001

Doug Henwood wrote:
> Aside from being the holder of the steel-toed boots, I'm also the
> moderator of this list, and try to foster discussion. That's the
> major reason I ask questions, just like on the radio. When I write
> something, I rarely shy away from an opinion. Here, things are
> different. I'm interested in hearing a range of views, and see my job
> as encouraging their expression.

O.K. You've convinced me that you really believe this -- that the question posts are not deliberate harassment. You haven't convinced me that the technique _ever_ brings about the desired results. I have noted the difference between your LBO posts and your formal writing -- which is part of the reason for believing your question posts are in good faith. But they don't come off that way; they come off as _statements_ about the _person_ addressed, not as questions about the topic.

I have also noted that such questions make sense on the part of a reporter interviewing someone. But what is appropriate in that context is not necessarily appropriate to other contexts. On your radio program a question can either (legitimately) be a soft pitch to someone whose views you want to showcase or as a way of skewering some jerk. That is o.k. -- anyone who consents to be interviewed is fair game.

But they don't work in discussion. (They also provide some of the pegs on which outright lies about you on other lists can be hung.)


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