I hope LBO-talk will recover from the shell shock. Perhaps it has by now, with Doug Henwood back on the cultural front.
Now just a darn minute here. I tried with my suggestion that Bush & Co. start the bombing in Northern California. I also noted that the US government would have a hard time finding the guilty, because they were the party whom they were seeking. I also suggested Florida was the original bombing target, but political debts and personal ties voided that option.
Justin proposed the world court as a trial venue, but the US hasn't approved the UN resolutions and protocols on war crimes and crimes against humanity for the obvious reason that we are party whom we would be voting against, so the Hague is out.
The only solution seems to be total war against Afghanistan. Now that's really bright. Afghanistan is what, one notch above Somalia as an entity with a national border and people, but no government, no infrastructure, dirt roads, and mostly made of loose rocks, in other words already a rubble heap?
Progressives in New York must be really pissed because one of their favorite targets was Giuliani who has turned out to be a fairly courageous and organized mayor (or at least he looks that way on tv) in the middle of a tremendous disaster. Now that has to really hurt.
The trouble with irony, like war, is it needs a target that isn't pathetic, and there is nothing but pathetic to shoot at.
Even the video clips of Wall Streeters heading back to the business of capital with face masks to filter out the dust and smell of death isn't particularly amusing---as if business didn't always stink.
Chuck Grimes