I think it must have been this interview that I caught on CNN Europe, later Wednesday evening, our time.
I could not catch the detailed reasoning, in what is really of course a general headlines show.
He was certainly emphasising that the cycle was turning sharply down for reasons independent of the current security, aviation, and political crisis. But he was expecting a quick up turn after a couple of quarters.
Incidentally Soros, this morning, our time, was also predicting a sharp downturn *and a quick upturn*.
These predictions and the drastic loss of confidence by the mainstream economists that they know what is happening, seems an interesting and important opportunity for progressive economists and "business observers" to get into the detail. Will the up turn be quick? In general a "marxist" approach would predict it would not,
would it not?
Chris Burford
From their website:
>Lou Dobbs Moneyline
>September 19, 2001
>ECRI's managing director, Lakshman Achuthan, will be a guest on CNN's
>Moneyline program this evening at 6:00 PM eastern time.