placing the palestinian struggle

Naji Dahi n.dahi12 at
Mon Apr 1 08:43:20 PST 2002

> Now, where leftist blindness verging on anti-semitism comes in is the fact
> that they treat the expulsions of Palestinians by Israel as uniquely evil
> policy in the region, while downplaying the mass murders by Syria (Hama
> 1982, probably far worse than Israel's murders in Lebanon the same years)
> many other similarly wretched policies by Arab regimes.

I really resent what you just said. what did I say in my post that was Anti-Semitic? And how can I be against myself? If you forgot, Arabs are Semites too. when did I say that I condoned what the Assad regime did in Hama or in Lebanon? Damn it I am from Lebanon and I am a Christian to boot. I should be the most anti Syria. But I am not, because I do not let my instincts take over my analysis. Why do you stereotype me and lump me with "leftist blindness." I think you need to reread my post and learn not to spout accusations simply because you disagree with me. You need to debate in a civil manner w/o leveling accusations.

> I am all for mass mobilization against the Israeli oppression of the
> Palestinians, but when leftists don't condemn it on its own terms, but
> instead try to make it more horrific or in a unique class of history (see
> comparisons to Khmer Rouge or Nazism), it loses credibility. And when
> claims are made that there is a Jewish conspiracy running American foreign
> policy against the interest of the deluded goys, we are back in the
> Protocols of the Elders of Zion land.

There is no CONSPIRACY. Got it. It is very simple "Money is the mother's milk of american politics." It take 6-7 million dollars on avg to win a seat in the Senate and 750K to win a seat in the house. Politicians need money to get elected. AIPAC is the second strongest interest group in rasing money and giving it to pro-Israel politicians. The strongest is AARP. Just open any basci American govt book and you will see how american politics is based on group power. It is very simple. This is not leftist loonacy, this is the basic work of Robert Dahl since 1950. Interest groups are what matters in US policy making.

AIPAC is very organized and has a lot of financial resources. The leadership of AIPAC is very Suave and competent. That is key to influencing policy decisions in american govt. They have been lobbying the American govt on behalf of Israel since 1948. Their power has graudally become stronger. They were not as strong under IKE as they are now.


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