Iraqi Communist Party on Ba'athist Repression

RangerCat67 at RangerCat67 at
Sun Apr 28 21:34:00 PDT 2002

Thank you for the links and recommendations. I hope I didn't sound skeptical of the Iraqi regime's well-documented brutality in my previous message; what I meant ot say was that it was a bit late to warn others of a catastrophic loss of life resulting from the continuation and strengthening of the Ba'athist regime in light of what we know about UN sanctions, which McDonald improbably described as a "pacific" measure. Of course, in the article, the suffering of the Iraqis was simply used a preface to an argument for military intervention, and the mass suffering McDonald fears is in neighboring countries and, possibly, the West, which would of course be horrible. Nevertheless, McDonald's convenient elision of the effects of sanctions, the deaths of civilians during and immediately after the Gulf War and the Left's denunciation of Saddam and all his allies (i.e. Ray-gun, Bush and Baker) was perverse and that's why I blew my stack. (Clarity, alas, is not one of my stronger points.) All power to the ICP!

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