Ace on "outside Jewish money" and other things

budge budge at
Wed Aug 21 15:15:24 PDT 2002

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 at 12:39pm dave dorkin wrote:

> Are you saying that jews in the US are aggrieved?
> If arabs, moslims and blacks received one thousandth
> of the attention jews' grievances receive and the
> attention paid to them in the media i think i would
> faint.

that was my point. jesse jackson took a HUGE amount of shit (and people like rush limbaugh are still flogging that horse today) for his unfortunate comment in, what 1988?

but i basically agree with doug, though, AC choses his language very carefully and he intends to inflame. personally, i don't think he gives a shit about persuading anybody about anything -- he just likes to stir things up.

-- no Onan

Undefeated, everybody goes home

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