Dicks n' Dough

sui.generis at myrealbox.com sui.generis at myrealbox.com
Thu Mar 14 15:37:18 PST 2002

At 02:58 PM 3/14/02 -0800, Thomas Seay wrote:

>Geez...what do they call corn dogs?
>Knowing these things has a good/bad effect on
>my sex and eating. The Italian for "pussy" is "fig"
>(figa), so whenever I am having sex I think of fig
>newtons and whenever I eat fig newtons my mind wanders
>to cunnlingus. Is that good or bad? Now you have
>turned me on to "dicks n'dough" thing and I am afraid
>this will have a serious impact on my baking and

Thomas, I'm a once a day, twice on Sunday person myself. The way you talk here, I conclude that you are getting it way more or not enough.

heh. Now, shooting a pig in a blanket sounds like it might be fun for a quickie, which are nice in the a.m.

as for baking, do the Italian pastries, the diamond shaped ones with red jam centers and some cannolis. plainly obvious, they are. as women's studies legend has it, these originated as symbolic expressions of goddess worship--rituals associated with Hera's Holy Whores and that sort of thing. Joanna might want to check out the embroidery of eastern Europe, where the goddess imagery is a staple of the design, with lots of representation of the Great Sacred Pussy.

Oh, and do bake to the accompaniment of Jelly Roll Morton. Afterall, Jelly Roll in black culture of the time was a reference to pussy! Rock'n'Roll. Get it?

Like my email addy? Changed it just for this thread. heh. (hi joe! :)

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