It's official: No military action against Iraq (beyond the usual perpetualbombing)

Naji Dahi n.dahi12 at
Thu Mar 21 13:16:47 PST 2002

> I meant to report there was a good Democracy Now program
> on yesterday -- guests were Ramsey Clark and James Woolsey,
> but the best part was the debate between Woolsey and a caller
> from the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, or something
> like that, named Ibish Hussein (sp?). He took Woolsey apart
> pretty well. Clark has clearly done goofy things but he held up
> his end well enough.

I listened to that show on my way to work. I could not believe how hillariously disgusting Woolesy was. He wanted to make the listneres believe that the US after the end of Cold War supports the spread of democracy around the world. What nonesense!!! I liked what Ibish had to say, but one clear failing on his part as a retort to the "US supports democracy thessis" was to simply point out to Woolsey that the US supports the Saudis theocratic/dictatorship, one of the most brutal and repressive in the world. That would have put a dagger in Mr Woolesy's thesis. But I do understand why he could not say that, SA funds the ADC and ADC is simply an organization that seeks to join the US foreign policy lobbying establishment rather than to change the system. There aim is to become like AIPAC. I say, they have no chance in hell.

> The best part was Woolsey citing C. Hitchens in the Nation and
> Tod Gitlin in Mother Jones as support for his position.

Don't forget that he also cites Jeffery Goldberg's article in the New Yorker. That article seeks to establish a link between Al-qaeda and The Baath regime in Iraq. This agian is none sense, since the NYT found documents in Afghanistan documenting an Islamic group in Iraq asking for Al-Qaeda help to overthrow the Sddam regime.


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