Bobby Fischer on 9/11

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Fri Mar 22 17:45:04 PST 2002

``But you realize the usefulness of publishing a quack like Fischer, is to discredit any reasonable opposition...'' (CG)

``I see. So, if we just censor people, everything will be ok...'' Thomas Seay

``That's absurd. I forward all kinds of stuff to this list, some of it because I agree with it, some of it because I don't, some of it because it's brilliant, some of it because it's ludicrous. Bobby Fischer is a celebrity ....'' Doug


I don't think I complained about the posting. The point was directed at the idea of making Fischer's comments News, as in `in the News'. So, to re-reiterate, if I wanted to discredit a public position, I would go looking for the worst version and most obnoxious spokesperson and put them out in front as News.

The intention was to point out the propaganda advantage that such ludicrous commentary offers its opposition. In this case, then all opposition to US foreign policy responses to 9/11 can be smeared via Fischer as more examples of hate america-first, anti-semitic, conspiratorist, weirdos.


Chuck Grimes

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