
Charles Brown CharlesB at
Wed Mar 27 09:32:43 PST 2002

death Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 21:50:53 From: "Carl Remick" <carlremick at>

No end to the quizzes on the list these days, is there? However, it's gratifying to realize I can chug on as far as 83 *even without* abandoning my high-fat/smoke-ridden/overly caffeinated ways. And if I really clean up my act (which, oddly, seems to require flossing more regularly) I can stagger as far as 97.


Charles: I'm working on raising the ages at death of my late grandparents. Do you think Enron has a method for massaging such figures ?


BTW, I once heard "actuary" defined as a person who didn't have the personality to become an accountant -- a remark that unfortunately is much less funny today, now that accountants have been revealed as figures of such deep intrigue (the Wall St. Journal has a pg 1 story about this today).


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