Indian GDP

Charles Jannuzi jannuzi at
Thu Mar 28 19:07:51 PST 2002

"Max Sawicky" <sawicky at> Subject: RE: Indian GDP
>It was the Carlyle Group, working hand-in->glove with the British East
India Company >and House Harkonnen. Nothing would be >allowed to disturb the spice monopoly.

Well now I would have thought Max was too busy contemplating faith healing as a gradualist solution to health care, but it now looks like he is busy working on still yet another article for US Today. I sense a Pulitzer in the making, and perhaps a Nobel in economics if he manages to bring his fugue states to fruition.

Incidentally, Carlyle Group has made some big investments in India in software and telecoms, but I would expect if growth were in agriculture its Rumsfeld's Pharmacia (with Monsantos GM terminator seeds) that helped out.

Believe it or not, my cousin, who is old enough to be my father, is an expert on the Indian economy. I'll forward Brad's questions to him and see what he says.

Now it's time to put the Zaurus away, and find some other way to play.

Yours, Charles 'Puke' Jannuzi

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