Vidal and Doug

kelley at kelley at
Wed May 29 06:33:16 PDT 2002

At 02:42 PM 5/28/02 -0400, Doug Henwood wrote:
>kelley at wrote:
>>just trying to help out chris (and others in the same boat) with the
>>translation software and space at pulp to post the MP3. if you don't want
>>or need it, no worries.
>I was just curious, and I'm probably not the only one. It's a big damn
>pain to do transcripts, and it'd be great if software did most of the job.
>But there are so many errors in one of Michael P's short emails (and he
>speaks slowly & clearly, unlike me) that I have my doubts.

as i understand it, using the software is much better than doing it yourself with a transcription machine. like i said, we use it, but i haven't used it myself. the person who does use it says it's mucho better than the way it used to get done. i hear that law firms are using them a good deal. maybe someone knows a law firm that you get more info from.


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