the smartest fascist?

Peter K. peterk at
Thu Sep 5 18:39:12 PDT 2002

>So what's wrong with Hitchens? Tom's a fine conversationalist -
>especially compared to that idiot Katie Roiphe, whom Hitch adores.
>Though I guess Katie is a bit more compelling to look at in one of
>her bandana skirts.

Maybe he was having an off night, you know, traveling and all. I remember they did both talk about how they liked Rick Perlstein's book on Goldwater which Frank said he blurbed. He was nice and friendly to me as he always is.

Roiphe is hot, but not as hot as Marilyn Quayle. This theater troupe has actually put on plays based on her books: Most recently they did "The Golden Election"

"After adapting Mrs. Quayle's political thriller "Embrace the Serpent" in 1992, and its equally thrilling follow-up "The Campaign," in 1996, Oobleck now tackles its most challenging subject of all: Marilyn's writer's block.

Completely uninspired by the choices presented in Campaign 2000, Marilyn goes on an epic journey of self-discovery through drug-filled parties and Buddhist temples, eventually overcoming the dark machinations of Alan Greenspan and a secret cabal of oil executives in order to find her muse. George Dubya and Al Gore, Jr. are guaranteed to make appearances, though the bipartisan Commission for Public Satire, sponsored by National Beer, has excluded Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan from the shenanigans."


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