On the Unpopularity of Leftish TV shows....

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Tue Sep 10 09:46:31 PDT 2002

At 11:33 AM 9/10/2002 -0400, doug wrote:
>Michael Perelman wrote:
>Yes, up to a point you're right. But it's also a problem with left culture
>that people are often afraid to be nasty or funny - and they have no sense
>of the emotional potency of hate. You see proclamations that such-and-such
>is a "hate-free zone." Yeah, right, that's the way to deal with hate -
>just declare it off limits. Hate isn't going to go away - we just need
>better targets.

Agreed. But as soon as a leftist show directs hate at the right target, its televised existence is doomed. Michael Moore's TV Nation is a case in point.


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