[lbo-talk] Saddam Caught

Brian Siano siano at mail.med.upenn.edu
Sun Dec 14 13:11:34 PST 2003

Dennis Perrin wrote:

> Watching CNN's live coverage of the press conference where the video
> of Saddam's capture is being run. While I'm happy for Iraqis that
> their chief torturer is now in custody, I await to see how a serious
> War Crimes trial can be conducted without charging those in the West
> as co-conspirators. Further, I await to see those who rail on and on
> about their anti-fascist cred, like Nick Cohen and Hitchens, to insist
> that members of the old Reagan/Bush team be tried alongside old friend
> Saddam. Again, breath won't be held.

"But Dad, I didn't know they'd indict _you_!"

"That's why Brent and I didn't try to capture the guy in ninety-one, you fuckhead! You're no goddamn son of _mine!_"

(Side note. I was at a science fiction convention this weekend, and I heard the news about Saddam's capture as follows. 'They caught Saddam Hussein. you know what this means? Four more years of Bush.' Sort of a myopic comment, IMHO. Personally, I'm glad they caught the fucker, and Bush can still be beaten. On the brighter side, I met Harry Harrison.)

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