Reasons to support war on Iraq

Ulhas Joglekar uvj at
Sat Feb 8 18:16:42 PST 2003

Alexandre Fenelon wrote:
>> I am not sure if the US will be weakened by war on Iraq. How is this
>> to happen?

> 1-The USA economy had a poor performance last year, despite massive
> incentives (the analogy with early 90´s Japan comes to my mind). I
> believe that imperial adventures are costly and the USA can´t afford
> them in the current situation (and, unlike what happen in the first
> Gulf war, Japan, Europe and Arab countries are not going to pay the
> bill, I hope)

Cost estimates depend on various scenarios. I don't know much about the US economy, but Stiglitz estimates the cost of Iraq war at about 0.1 or 0.2 % of the US GDP. Is this beyond the capacity of the US economy?

> 3-Unlike the other wars, we will have the USA troops making the dirty
> job of invasion/occupation, which can led to a relatively prolonged war.

After the fall Baghdad, the US could hand over the law and order to the UN.

> -What is the price the world pays for continued US hegemony?

What is the state of Afghanistan today after the Soviet occupation and the US response to it? It's a disaster for Afghans and their neighbours.

>> Even if this were to happen, it might strengthen Islamic fundamentalism
>> West Asia in the medium term. I don't see the Left growing in Asia in the
>. coming period.

> -That are legitimate concerns. But I don´t know to contain Islamic
> -fundamentalism. The US fed the beast in the last 30 years and now
> -are unable to deal with her, because, in a certain way, they are
> -fundamentalist too. And I doubt if war or its absence will help
> -the left to grow in Asia. That´s another question.

There are about 400 million Muslims in South Asia. Islamic fundamentalism and its Hindu counterpart is the most important threat to democracy and secularism in South Asia.


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