poor white Republicans

martin mschiller at pobox.com
Tue Feb 25 12:33:27 PST 2003

a msg on 2/25/03 from Wojtek Sokolowski contained -

>I guess you are probably right in citing the reasons people usually give
>for their support - but I am not sure whether these are actual reasons
>or mere rationalizations. The hallmark of fascist warmongering
>propaganda is to project an image of the majority being gravely
>threatened by some unpopular minority, e.g. Germany was supposed to be
>threatened by "Jewish or Bolshevist conspiracy," the Serbs were
>supposed to be threatened by the Muslim minority, and now the US is
>supposed to be threatened by a petty tyrant in another hemisphere.
>Fascist aggression has invariably been portrayed as self-defence.

Would 'fear' (as a reason) satisfy your question?

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