rice for peace

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Thu Jan 30 13:51:26 PST 2003

Kelley: I realize that it doesn't much live up to the demand to involve people in practice but at the moment, I'm much more interested in 1. stopping the war and 2. getting massive numbers of people to do something in symbolic protest without relying on demos.

at this stage, with cracks in elite support for war...it might just make a significant dent. I'd like the publicity of the White House mailroom loaded down with packets of rice.

ok, so maybe I watched Miracle on 34th St. too much.

what are the drawbacks of this type of action, other than the above and that it's too individualistic?

Strain on the USPS workers? Perpetuating the myth that the Bush junta responds to public opinion?

I pretty much resigned to the idea that there is not much people like me can do to stop that war or, for that matter, the fascist juggernaut that is taking this country over, slowly but surely. In times like this, stoic acquiescence seems like the only resonable answer - as in the following poem by Cavafy http://users.hol.gr/~barbanis/cavafy/antony.html


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