>As if yuppie limousine liberals, sexual "identity" radicals and lifestyle
>Birkenstock wearing, patchoulli smelling hippies had not done enough to
>try and seize the mantle of the left to drag it from it's working class
>base, the NAMBLA child molesters have recently "come out" against the war
>in Iraq. Wonderful. I'm sure the supreme court will be rubber stamping
>their goings on soon amidst minor decisions upholding Taft-Hartley, axing
>overtime pay for undocumented workers and so forth.
What is the point of this hideous eruption? Do you really think that "yuppie limousine liberals" are responsible for capital's strength in the class war? And why bring up NAMBLA, except, Scalia-style, to discredit the queers? And where's all this working class radicalism the lifestylers and perverts are ruining?
By the way, "it's" is a contraction for it is; "its" is the possessive.