Please add me!

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Fri Mar 28 11:19:11 PST 2003

> Dear,
> Your website of "American traitors" (
> was just brought to my attention and I was disappointed that my name
> wasn't listed. I'd like you to add my name to this list, because I
> really would love to be associated with Susan Sarandon, Madonna, Whoopie
> Goldberg, Sean Penn, Noam Chomsy, Michael Eric Dyson, Jim Jarmusch and
> all of these other wonderful people on your list.

> Chuck "Chuck0" Munson
> Webmaster and Coordinator,

Good luck, Chuck. Let us know if you make the cut.

I saw that my old radio colleague Laura Flanders made it, but then, she's always been ambitious.

After the last Gulf War I made Accuracy in Media's "Domestic Disinformer" list -- an achievement I remain proud of.


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