Pro-wars envy anti-wars' "deep pockets"

maria.gilmore maria.gilmore at
Mon Mar 31 18:09:37 PST 2003

I read the full text of that USA Today story, and I noted there are several other orgs in on these rallies, ASIDE from the ones Clear Channel has been staging...the Bob Johnson guy being the director for only one (eek, speaking proto-fascist, "Bob Johnson" is way too close to "Bob Roberts" for my comfort level). Mr Johnson also makes a point of saying his group has never been directly involved with the GOP; as if he's defending himself from the fact that Republican legislators have taken to advertising his group's rallies on their websites. Either the GOP is not far right enough for these folks, or, reeks too much of rich guy priviledge for them to take...OR, they could be lying like the Presidential Seal rug on the Oval Office floor about it.

> They really don't understand the concept of bus tickets, or the idea that
a lot of people would buy them.

They don't get, "If you build it, they will come"? They do collective action all the time, but somehow they don't comprehend other people doing the same for the same motivations? I'm going to write this guy.

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