>>Competition is part of human nature and not strictly a capitalist conceit,
>>though capitalism does corrupt the competitive urge.
>>Bingo. Would that more leftists acknowledged this to be true...
>Man, I thought Justin just went over this. If by "human nature"
>you mean some biological or genetic imperative, Luke and Woj's
>claim here is nonsensical. One more time: any genetic or
>biological factors must be expressed in an environmental
>context. There is no way to "strip away" the environment
>to assess the pure, isolated genetic effect.
>Thus to make the claim that X is "natural" or
>"inevitable", independent of environmental conditions, demonstrates
>a (willful?) ignorance of what has been learned about genetics and
But this amounts to empty sophistry. Okay, let's grant that
competitiveness is, like nearly every other human behavior, a product of
the interaction of an organism's genetics and the envrionment in which
it exists. This is perfectly reasonable.
But could you please describe an environment where human beings can exist, and where they would _not_ develop competitiveness?