[lbo-talk] RE: 77% of Americans support the cretinous judge

Shane Mage shmage at pipeline.com
Wed Sep 3 14:03:59 PDT 2003

>On Wednesday, September 3, 2003, at 11:33 AM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
>>Then a number of interesting people are guilty of the same crime. Cf.
>>Thos. Jefferson & friends, good Enlightenment liberals, who wrote in the
>>summer of 1776 that the independence of the American states was founded
>>upon the laws of God -- indeed, that it was "self-evident" that people are
>>"endowed by their Creator" with fundamental rights. --CGE

The Declaration speaks of "Nature and Nature's God." If this is deism, deism is merely a synonym for pantheism. In any case, it is quite incompatible with any form of theism (that is, belief in a personal creator of the natural world). The "Creator" of the "inalienable rights" is explicitly Nature.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things."

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

>American history really ought to be taught better.
>The "Founding Fathers" who used this kind of God-talk were mostly
>*deists* (look up the word in a dictionary) -- very far indeed from
>the know-nothing Judge-Moore-loving idiots we have to contend with
>Over and over, we hear this historically mistaken crap that "our
>nation's founders were Christians, so this is a Christian nation."
>Please, let's not have leftists falling into the same trap.

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