From: "Chris Doss" <itschris13 at>
> Always thought that was odd, considering that Luther himself was a boozer.
> What's that great line: "I wrote this sermon drunk, but a Christian drunk
> writes better than a papist sober!"
> In the Tischrede, he is also recorded as having said that one of the best
> ways to drive off the devil was to fuck his wife.
Marty the Party Animal. Huh. Altho I've read history that claims that Luther never intended to actually break with the Church, he stayed a Catholic all his life. His followers who carried on after his death are the ones who truly devised Lutheranism..
OTOH he was also historically the guy who, as he walked home one Xmas eve, seeing a beautiful evergreen draped with snow twinkling in the moonlight just like tiny stars, reacted to this inexpressibly lovely vision by chopping the tree down and schlepping it across town to set it up in the parlor. The origin of the tradition of the indoor Xmas tree. Or maybe it was just another way to drive off the devil, because I'm sure his wife felt pretty fucked when this thing was dragged into her house...