[lbo-talk] Parecon Discussion...

Michael Albert sysop at ZMAG.ORG
Tue Sep 23 13:16:40 PDT 2003

> so who decides who is on the staff of these institutions?
> physicists won't decide who is on the physics institution
> staff? or just the physicist that will get money from the
> allocation from the decision? won't all the pysicists be
> working in the physics institution(s)? i'm guessing you are
> trying to eliminate conflict of interests with the
> bureacratic decisions and such but would say physicists be
> making decisions about physics allocations or no?

I am not sure what you are asking. In any instituion people have balanced job complexes, and then balanced across them.

In a university -- there aren't some folks who only sit in an office with a pencil and think -- or play solitaire, etc. Rather, there are a host of tasks and these are amalgamated into job complexes..Some people do some physics, and some other stuff.

There would no doubt be, I would imagine, a personel committee, say, or whatever -- depending on size and so on.

> how does society decide this? seems like at some point it's
> either going have to be a majority vote, consensus, or market
> 'invisible hands'. with art you are still getting into
> someone deciding what is socially valuable labor or not with
> the allocation. i'm just curious how society would recognize
> sacrifice etc. or how that is determined.

Ummmm...we have a little problem.

I can't honestly even try to fully present parecon, I suspect, via emails...even if I didn't have a lot of other responsibilities.

I don't know, when someone asks me, how familiar they are...and if I assume a lot, it can be confusing. But if I assume not at all, then trying to enter specific questions would entail providing the whole model.

The above suggests, honestly, near zero familiarity -- and so I don't know how to answer short of a very summary statement, or writing a book...

A bit of a cunundrum.

I think for those not familiar with the model -- the issue is really does one like the idea of the highlighted values as described...and would one like it if instiutitons could fulfill them while getting the economic job done. Maybe then also questions or concerns about the basic aims.

For someone more familiar, questions that are more into details, can be answered, but only because I can assume some context.

At any rate, that is how I am going to try to relate, I think...

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