--just check out Baghdad Burning...and she's not even that sympathetic with the factions leading the resistance... or check out Rahul or Darh's blogs, very informative interviews with ordinary Iraqis... And as has been pointed out, resistance to occupations doesn't arise from polls in which the 'majority' support armed resistance...it's a far more complex process than any Gallup Poll can capture. But if one wants independence from the US and its military base/privatization run amuk scheme for liberation...there's really only one way to go to push things forward as far as I can see at this point. The Americans have been pretty clear that they have little regard for the people they are occupying, not that that is anything new in the history of occupiers in colonial outposts...but in this case they seem to go out of their way to show how much either ignorance about and/or disdain they have for the natives...