[Article was too long to post directly, but the article is in today's NYTimes online.]
"But Democrats say that the people who are likely to cause trouble are not the party faithful.
"I think the public knows that the people who get really agitated and at times violent are kind of out of the mainstream and aren't really operating in the context of a political debate," said John D. Podesta, who was chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and is president of the Center for American Progress, a research institute. "Since the party can't really control these protests and these people, I think the only thing you can do is disassociate yourself from the tactics and try to keep the public focused on the big picture," he added."
" How come people always flip and think they're Jesus? Why not Buddha? Particularly in America, where more people resemble Buddha than Jesus. 'Ah'm BUDDHA!' 'You're Bubba!' 'Ah'm Buddha now..All I gotta do is change 3 letters on ma belt...' " - Bill Hicks