>My take on this whole thing is that women's talk can be sexist (anti-woman
>sexist, I mean) but it doesn't carry the weight men's does because it doesn't
>have male privilege attached to it. So while technically sexist it's just not
>that significant and would quickly disappear if sexism were not promoted
>vigorously throughout our society.
I disagree. The pain I have suffered at the hands of sexist women
(particularly my mother) was far greater than that at the hands of men.
I could always interpret men's sexism in terms of their ignorance (they
could not sympathize because they were men) or in terms of their
privilege, which they would lose in an equal world. But what excuse did
women have -- other than unconsciousness? None. For sexist men, I could
feel contempt. For sexist women, nothing but heartbreak.