[lbo-talk] Re: counterpunch's monday morning quarterbacking

DSR debburz at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 09:24:14 PST 2004

--- jk <jimi_ayler at yahoo.com> quoted:

> "Edwards added absolutely nothing to the ticket. At
> least Dan Quayle held Indiana back in 1988 and 2002.
> No one state in the south went into Kerry's column.
> Gore did better in Florida and West Virginia. Dick
> Gephardt would certainly have brought the Democratic
> ticket Missouri and probably Iowa and hence the White
> House."
> thoughts?

Well, as said here before, the Kerry campaign didn't bother with the southern states, Florida excepted. I wish I could get the name of the Kerry consultant - tall, balding guy - interviewed by the female reporter - short, tiny woman in a trenchcoat, it seemed - both standing outside the DC party...and Sheryl Crow singing "All I wanna do is have some fun" in the background...can't remember which network, since I was flippin' back and forth between Lehrer, the 3 broadcast networks, CNN and MSNBC. Anyhoo this nervously smiling geek was nodding up and down, "that's right, that's right" when asked if the DNC had deliberately run Kerry without trying to win a southern state, making him the first president to ever win an election without carrying a single southern state.

Hello! As posted here previously, that is a dangerous strategy when even southern Ohio considers itself more "southern" in culture than the other half of the state! I get the impression that DC leadership (as well as more than a few Leftists and Liberals) pinned the electoral climate as merely stereotypical southern behavior and dismissed the notion that it exists anywhere else.

Costly mistake.

- Deborah

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